Build the Ultimate Germination Chamber

Want to double your success rate, save your heating fuel, and give yourself back time and peace of mind? We'll show you how to build a complete germination system that does just that!




Have you messed with those expensive, hard-to-control mats which are constantly burning out or electrocuting you?

Or maybe you're spending crazy amounts of heating fuel to keep your propagation area warm enough to germinate your seeds.

Struggling with summer germination on important crops such as lettuce and spinach?

Not anymore...

We teach you the most comprehensive system to germinate your seeds in the best environment possible.

Build Your Ultimate Germ Chamber

The course contains detailed instructions and schematics. We make it quick and easy.

Germinate Faster, Reduce Your Workload

Once the chamber is up and running, it takes only a few minutes a day to manage.

Save Money and Increase Your Sales

Better germination rate = save $$$
Consistent production =
Consistently higher sales

In the concise, easy to understand lessons we walk you through the process of building the best germination chamber for your needs.

We include topics such as:

  • Choosing the right size and style of chamber
  • Figuring out how to configure and wire the right controls
  • Which heat and humidity systems are best for your needs
  • Creating a chamber that cools during the summer to germinate heat sensitive crops

"It's a game changer."

- Ray Tyler, Rose Creek Farms

Starts - Transplant- Greenhouse- Grow- GEN (1)

Of course we also put some bonuses in there:

BONUS #1: Our review of 3 different electronic monitoring tools that can alert you to any issues

BONUS #2: A germination guide cheat sheet that gives you temperature and timeframe for common vegetables (we’ve got herb and flower resources as well)

BONUS #3: An unreleased Cornell study on larger scale, stand alone germination chambers

How much $$$ are you throwing away with poor or slow germination each year?
Grab the tutorial!

Most Economical



immediate and lifetime access

The course contains detailed instructions and schematics. We make it quick and easy.

FREE Cornell Study for larger scale

FREE Monitoring tools bonus

FREE Germination Cheat Sheet bonus

Most popular



Grab all 4 of our time and labor saving tutorials for 38% off!

Ultimate Germination Chamber Tutorial +

Dry You Greens Tutorial +

Build A Bubbler Tutorial +

Perfect Indoor Transplant Tutorial

Best Value



per month+ $97 Enrolment Fee

Everything in the Tutorial Bundle Deal

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